Ekel Soothing and Moisture Aloe Vera Review

This is a quick review because I’m about to start preparing for work lol

I received my first aloe vera soothing gel yesterday!

Aloe vera soothing gels or soothing gels in general are one of the trends in skin care lately. It promises to calm your skin and provide moisture which we all need.


Ekel Soothing and Moisture Aloe Vera
Price: 180 pesos
Contents: 300 ml
Where to buy: There’s no Ekel shops in the Philippines yet so I ordered it online from a seller

For 180 pesos, you get to have 300 ml of Aloe Vera soothing gel. That’s a steal! This gel smells faintly of aloe vera which is good, because I don’t like strong scents on anything I apply on my face (unless it’s strawberry scent hehehe).


Sorry for the crappy pictures. Like I said, this is a quick review XDDD We all can’t read Korean anyway ahahaha!

This gel is good for the face and body. My friend Christine swears to this product that’s why I decided to try despite still having my Mamonde Rose Water Soothing Gel (which I will review later on). I haven’t used it on my body yet and to be honest, I don’t know where to put it on my body yet. Maybe the hands? Legs? Let’s see!


It comes with a clear plastic cover stopper something, which I like. I don’t like creams without that. It helps in keeping stuff inside the jar.


The gel is clear, just like water. It also feels light and surprisingly not sticky at all!


The longer I stare at it, the more I regret not buying 2 jars!


This is how my skin looked like after applying the gel. No filters, no make up. I’ve decided to leave the gel on while I sleep. I just woke up minutes ago to wash my face and it feels reeaaally soft!!! I really regret not buying 2 jars!

This is the first aloe vera gel I have tried, and I think I’m going to stick to it. It’s the cheapest so far and it works wonders!