Strip Tease Cold Sugar Wax Review


Today I’m going to review Strip Tease’s Cold Sugar Wax.

It has been my holy grail when it comes to removing unwanted body hair for years. It’s all natural, cheap, and really effective!

Strip Tease Cold Sugar Wax
Price: 150 pesos for 100grams
Where to Buy: SM Megamall tiangge beside the Supermarket every weekends only, or online


The product comes in different sizes. I always buy the 100 grams one. It comes with a small spatula (tongue depressor, actually), and 10 or 12pcs of waxing strips (sorry, I lost count hehe). In case you run out of strips, you can buy it for 25pesos for 10 or 12pcs which comes with a spatula again.


I still have my almost empty jar so I used it’s contents first before opening the new one. The product smells like sugar and honey, which is basically what it is made of. It’s thick in consistency, but can be easily spread on the strip. Just a tip, don’t place the jar inside the fridge for it will make the product hard, and you have to soften it first before you can use it.

Ironically, even during the ants season, the product is not swarmed by the little insects despite it basically being made up of everything sweet. I wonder why haha!

I’m already done waxing my armpits (and it’s harder to take pictures of it when waxing!) so I’ll show you how the product works on my legs instead.

I realized that WordPress makes the quality of the pictures worse, and it doesn’t help that I’m only using my phone’s camera too, so please pardon the bad picture quality.

My leg before waxing


I waxed one area in the middle so you could see the effect. I didn’t use any filter, and I took the picture at night hahaha!


This is the end result:

12767243_10153568980424582_1790316122_n (1)

And this is how it looks like with proper lighting!


I hope you liked my review about Strip Tease wax! It’s the best wax available locally!