Body Treats Nose Pore Strip (Classic) Review

Blackheads and whiteheads are one of our greatest enemies. Whenever I look at myself in the mirror and see them whiteheads, I feel like wanting to pop it! Sadly, it’s both painful and messy to do that, not to mention it will just make things worse.

Nose strips are one of my favorite beauty treats! I already tried quite a few, and now I’m review a really cheap brand I bought from Watson’s!


Body Treats Nose Pore Strips (Classic)
Where to buy: Watson’s Stores
How much: 109 pesos for 12 pieces. They’re currently on promo at Buy 2 Take 1, which means I only paid 218 pesos for 36pcs. That’s 6.06 pesos per patch!

This nose strip comes in 3 varieties: classic, charcoal, and green tea. I already tried all but when it comes to removing white heads, they’re all the same. In fact, the classic version is even better because it doesn’t leave color or residue on your hands and face like the charcoal one. It’s even a bit cheaper than the other 2, I think.

The instruction said to wet the nose area and put the strip on. You need to wait for 15-20 or until the strips hardens before you remove it gently.

I waited until the strip hardened before I removed it, and only a little bit of whiteheads got removed. The trick is to wait for around 10-15min until the skin is no longer damp with the water from earlier, and remove the strip while it hasn’t hardened yet.

The effect? Just see for yourself! Warning: It’s disgusting ahhah!


The picture above is the first strip. Since I thought that it’s cheap and I have a lot anyway, I used one more strip


This nose strip is cheaper, more effective, less messy and easier to use than the other other products I tried. For 6 pesos, you can say bye bye to whiteheads!

I wish I have taken pictures of my nose before and after! I will do that next time!

Again, being beautiful doesn’t have to be expensive all the time 😉