Gusto Powdered Vegetable Drink Mix Review

Like what I always say, you don’t have to spend a lot of money just to be beautiful. Sometimes, all you need is research!

Detoxing is one of the trends nowaday. One of the most popular way to detox is via juicing.

I checked everywhere; online, appliance stores… name it, and I checked it. But everywhere I search, juicers are damn expensive! I also collected recipes online and most of the ingredients are quite expensive too!

I want my damn juice lol! I don’t like vegetables that’s why I can only depend on juicing for it 😦

But my prayers were answered one day when I went to the National Food Fair. I found this!


Gusto Powdered Vegetable Drink Mix.
How much: 150 pesos for 5 sachets. 1 sachet a day
Where to buy: online


They claim to be all natural, and that they used a certain ‘stevia leaf’ to sweeten the juice. The juice is mango-flavored but you could still taste the leafy aftertaste. But it tastes really good for a vegetable juice!


It’s dairy-free, gluten-free, no preservatives, and all natural! What more can I ask for?


I’m so lucky I stumbled upon their booth!

This is how the powder looks like. It’s really fine!


And this is how it looks like when mixed with water.


Vegetable juice indeed!

Since it’s mango-flavored, kids will definitely love it too! Because I did, and I have taste buds like that of a child ahahahaha!

30 pesos a day for detox? Not bad, right! Other companies offer 2500 for a day of juicing!

Again, heath and beauty doesn’t have to be expensive all the time. All you have to do is research 😉